Women and/Is Science

Welcome address from Brigida Bochicchio during the Event Woman and Science held on 11st of October in Aula Magna, Ex-Enaoli at University of Basilicata, Potenza. The event was organized by Italian Chemistry Society, Basilicata Section, with the aim to discuss the role played by women in Hard Sciences Field.

 The debate on women rights is very frequent. Since 2016, Gordon Research Conference introduced the Power Hour. This informal session for all attendees gives communities the opportunity to discuss challenges women face in science and issues of diversity and inclusion.  It is clear that a problem of equal opportunities exists. Some highlights from the paper by K. Isgro and Mari Castañeda, Women's Studies International Forum 48 (2015). Generally, more than 50% PhD awarded by American universities are granted to women with women accounting for 38% of faculty members overall (AAUP, 2010;AFT, 2011; Curtis & Thornton, 2014; Mason, 2011). Women occupy less secure positions (adjunct/part-time instructors and/or lecturer positions). Full-time women faculty members tend to ear less than their male colleagues. Women in academe are also far less likely to become parents than other professional women or their male counterparts and are more likely to remain single for the purpose of achieving career success. 


Welcome to Doctor Antonio Laezza!

University of Basilicata hired Antonio on 31 of July 2019 (PON Attraction International Mobility Project).




Rossella's Graduation in Pharmacy on 19th of April, 2018

Congratulations to Rossella for her graduation in Pharmacy on 19th of April, 2018. She defended the thesis entitled: "Synthesis of a Sequence-Inspired to Human Tropoelastin and Related Conformational Studies"

Visiting Professors

Potenza, 12th of April, 2018. Professors Manuel Dauchez,  Nicolas Belloy, and Laurent Duca came to Potenza in the framework of erasmus Exchange Programme from Université de Reims-Champagne Ardenne (France). 


22 of February 2018, University of Salerno (Italy)

Germano's PhD Thesis Defence




31.08.2017. Registrazione del Brevetto Italiano N.0001429709 intitolato Biopolimeri comprendenti polipeptidi chimerici e matrici ottenute con gli stessi. Data Deposito 05 maggio 2015. Inventori: J. Carlos Rodriguez Cabello, Alessandra Girotti, Matilde Alonso, Javier Arias, Bracalello Angelo, Pepe Antonietta, Bochicchio Brigida.

PhD School of Chemistry. University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

Call for Applications to Fellowships and Admission for the Academic Year 2017-2018

The winner is Nicola Ciarfaglia graduated in Chemistry on September 2017.

Congratulations and Good Luck!!!


Congratulations to Dora for the obtention of her Master Degree in Biotechnology on 20th June, 2017!!!




















Visit with students masterclass to Altergon s.r.l.

Morra de Sanctis (AV)

10th May, 2017


Chemistry of Organic and Biological Processes Classroom:

Visit to Altergon, Pharmaceutical Enterprise.




21s and 22nd of March 2017


Congratulations to Donato Soldovieri for obtaining his Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology!


23rd of march 2017

Congratulations to Angelica and Mauro for obtaining their Master Degree in Biotechnology!!!


Congratulations for the Cover Image from our paper!!!

Micrography (by A. Laurita) of a film made by a Crosslinked Elastomeric-Proteins Inspired Polypeptide produced in our lab and recently published in Chirality (Volume 28, Issue 8, Pages 606-611). The image gained the cover of the last number of Chirality.
Micrography (by A. Laurita) of a film made by a Crosslinked Elastomeric-Proteins Inspired Polypeptide produced in our lab and recently published in Chirality (Volume 28, Issue 8, Pages 606-611). The image gained the cover of the last number of Chirality.